This Is Heartbeat

This Is Heartbeat

Hosted by: Friends of Heartbeat

Drawing from his more than 50 years of study and communication, This Is Heartbeat features explorations and insights from Landon Saunders, focused on what it means to be a human being.

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Begin By Being Happy -- Part 2

In this episode of Heartbeat, The Podcast, Landon Saunders discusses the walls that can arise in relationships and how to deal with them. He explores the reasons behind these walls and the struggles that we often face...
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Begin By Being Happy -- Part 1

In this episode of Heartbeat: The Podcast, Landon Saunders explores the need for relationships and the dangers of underestimating their significance. Landon discusses the lessons of relationship, including...
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Settling Your Accounts With Love

In this episode, Landon Saunders explores the concept of settling our accounts with love. He discusses the balance between love and work, the impact of job dissatisfaction on our relationships, and the importance of...
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Finding Some Dream Space

In this episode, Landon Saunders explores the concept of dream space and its importance in creating and growing a new dream for your life -- a work of art! Dream space is where you find a place to stand and meet any...
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Fear: The Storm Within

In this episode, Landon Saunders discusses fear and its impact on our lives. He suggests that fear can paralyze us, or we can use it as a tool to light our way. Love is presented as the antidote to fear, as it is...
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Resigning As Boss Of The Universe

You know what our biggest problem is? In this episode Landon reveals one problem we all share, and suggests how to deal with it in a way that changes everything.
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Joy Is The Energy

This episode explores the theme of finding meaning in life. Landon Saunders discusses the distinction between chronological life and the deeper significance of one's existence. He reflects on a personal experience...
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Making a Life While Making a Living

In this episode Landon Saunders is on location addressing a company's workforce. With his trademark stories and humor, he explores the purpose of a life, of work, and of relationships. Landon emphasizes the importance...
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Who Will Be Your Teacher?

The most important question a human being faces is who will be their teacher. In this episode, Landon Saunders explores the need for guidance in our lives. With a nod to the complexity and challenges that are a part...
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4 Questions That Will Help You Not Miss Your Life

In this episode, Landon introduces four questions about our view of the world. He asks if there is joyousness and music in the outermost perimeters of our life. The conversation explores the question of how to find...
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How To Keep From Missing Your Life

In this episode of Heartbeat, Landon Saunders explores the question of how to live a good life and not miss out on the experiences that truly matter. Landon tells a teaching story about a young man who despises the...
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Attitudes That Contribute to Successful Relationships

In this episode of Heartbeat the podcast, Landon Saunders discusses successful attitudes for relationships. He emphasizes the value of a human being and the importance of recognizing their inherent worth, regardless...
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