This Is Heartbeat

This Is Heartbeat

Hosted by: Friends of Heartbeat

Drawing from his more than 50 years of study and communication, This Is Heartbeat features explorations and insights from Landon Saunders, focused on what it means to be a human being.

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Attitudes That Contribute to Successful Relationships

In this episode of Heartbeat the podcast, Landon Saunders discusses successful attitudes for relationships. He emphasizes the value of a human being and the importance of recognizing their inherent worth, regardless...
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What Are Relationships For?

Summary In this episode, Landon Saunders explores the purpose of relationships. He suggests that relationships are primarily for joy and emphasizes the importance of playfulness in fostering enjoyable and fulfilling...
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The Challenges of Making Relationships Work, Part 2 (from the "Feeling Good About Yourself" Workshop)

Summary In this episode, Landon Saunders discusses the undeniable truths about relationships. He emphasizes that failing in a relationship does not mean failing as a person. He explains that no relationship is ever...
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The Challenges of Making Relationships Work, Part 1 (from the "Feeling Good About Yourself" Workshop)

Summary In this episode, Landon Saunders explores the challenges of making relationships work. He shares a story of a distressed woman and her chaotic life, highlighting the difficulties that can arise in almost any...
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The Secret to Gaining Self Esteem (from the Feeling Good About Yourself Workshop)

Every human being needs affirmation. This is something every single person can do -- affirm and encourage others. And it turns out that the return on affirming others is improved self esteem for the one doing the...
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Episode 003 - 4 Undeniable Truths About Your Worth As A Person (from the “Feeling Good About Yourself” Workshop)

In this episode Landon continues to discuss what defines the worth of a person. This episode explores the fallacy of defining worth based on some standard of performance. Dispensing with appearance (or looks) and...
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Episode 002 - Check Your Self Esteem (from “Feeling Good About Yourself” Workshop)

In this episode, Landon Saunders explores the importance of self-esteem. As human beings, we don't have to be successful or meet others' definitions of winning in order to have value. He poses a series of questions...
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Pilot: The ABCs of Being Human

What does it mean to be a human being? What are the keys to living a quality life? In this Pilot episode, Landon introduces and explores the ABCs of being human. A transcript of the episode appears on the show page.
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