What Are Relationships For?


In this episode, Landon Saunders explores the purpose of relationships. He suggests that relationships are primarily for joy and emphasizes the importance of playfulness in fostering enjoyable and fulfilling connections. Saunders shares personal anecdotes and highlights the transformative power of incorporating play into relationships. He encourages listeners to prioritize joy and take a lighter approach to life, ultimately leading to more meaningful and joyful relationships.


Relationships are primarily for joy and should be approached with playfulness.
Incorporating play into relationships can transform them and make them more enjoyable.
Prioritize joy and take a lighter approach to life for more meaningful and joyful relationships.


00:00 Questioning the Purpose of Relationships
02:58 Relationships for Joy
04:41 Replacing Work with Play in Relationships
07:45 The Power of Playfulness in Relationships
09:42 Taking Life Easy and Prioritizing Joy
12:02 Relationships Made for Joyfulness